PiYo Challenge - Day 28

True story!

What I forgot to tell you is that last night I kicked ass doing my workout so much that I nearly bonked cause my triceps were so sore....beast was really a beast due to it and I didn't do two kick throughs...which made me mad and sad at the same time because its my favorite but I did do pushups on my feet more than my knees again...this is not from lifting weight working on my strength but from doing Piyo!!! I can not explain how amazing this program is!!!

Anyway, got up this morning and made breakfast for Marc and I....eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, little cheese (fancy kind we got), and cubed ham (my mom had bought us...this stuff is exceptionally good for you and full of protein...I was super happy I got it and mom found it!!). It was awesome! So freakin good.

Soooooooooo many eggggggggggs! 5 dozen! Thanks mom!

And here's the ham!

Then we went shopping to get some more groceries that we needed...had fun in HEB as usual...the crowds...ugh...the crowds!!! Anyway, fun to at random stuff. haha. Got another new cheese and excited about that...plus I found some new pumpkin seed crackers...one is enough and 5g of protein in one cracker... I hope they are good...they werent cheap...and PUMPKIN SEEDS ARE SAD TO MAKE YOU HAPPY....I AM HAPPY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT...YAY! haha.

Got some of these bad boys....green chilis...cant wait!

My honey works in the sun...makes him darker...my, I stay in side..I'm white as snow already! haha

Bad home in the rain...unpacked and I went to do my workout. Piyo Sweat again...I rocked it out with my cock out...haha. I dont have a cock! But its fun to say. haha. Metaphorically speaking! Anyway, I am so ecstatic about this workout...I WILL BECOME A PIYO CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR! I want to help people get into this...even if they have an injury...i want to help them realize that I have 5 herniated disks and piyo makes me feel alive! I have triceps and I have abs...I have happiness and I am not killing myself. I adore it! This is my soul mate workout!!! So much! I kicked Sweats ass!

My new yoga mat...my mom bought for me...love her! Knows my heart!


This was my video to my team about stretching...and how i feel about PIYO! PIYAW!

Had my Shakeology...OMG....I swear I get a tiny orgasm when I have this...seriously...haha...I love it...Chocolate with pb2 and vanilla almond milk...makes my freakin day! I missed it so much...havent had it like that in nearly a week cause the 3 day refresh and missing it yesterday...back on track! Feeling amazing!

After that, dinner...NY Strip...cause I've been a good girl...and I steamed veggies, one zuccini, one squash, cup of broccoli, and cup cauliflower...little salt...bam...amazing...now, enjoying my wine and did my last response to my post for school. So, time for MORE time with my honey...such a great weekend! I really love busting my ass early in the week to finish homework so I can have a few days to ourselves...its worth it! And I saw my parents. Perfect end to a perfect weekend...not much going on but it was just enough for me...its really all about the little things.



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