PiYo Challenge - Day 14

Woke up later than expected today...I think it was 11. I really have not adjusted to my bed again yet...Anyway, got up and made a Strawberry Shakeology....

Soon after I made lunch which was pancake mix and light syrup....made into waffles. It was great but I was full of carbs and absolutely toast after...No energy. I really hate eating carbs really..makes me so sleepy and I only had 1.5 pieces but anyway...ugh. So glad this is not regular.

After watching Shooter and a few other things while creating my meal planning for next week. I had some yogurt too...mmm...I'm excited about next week for sure...and great thing is we have tons of food left from last week so we don't have to buy too much... curious? Here's my list.

After that I got busy on Piyo - Core...still not doing great enough on two moves and I have to work on form because they are in deed hard but I can only progress from here. I did better this time though and I am proud of that. Still needs improvement of course.

For dinner, well, I don't want to talk about dinner. I had a philly cheesesteak sub which was not good and I was only okay with it because I knew I had other things to do and Marc wanted to eat a little bad...I have to say I do not enjoy it at all and it seemed way too greasy...it wasn't too bad on calories though as I missed a meal and snack....still, I hate eating bad...while he doesn't mind. I thought it wouldn't be too bad because it said grilled and I figured...but no. I was dead wrong. I know philly's usually arent the best for you but my goodness...bad all the way around. Definitely lemon in the morning.

I have a busy week ahead of me...for which we will be prepared. There is much to do and tons of homework to do. I am hoping all will be well and I will make it through. If I can do this I will be much better off as the time goes on in school.


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