PiYo Challenge - Day 25 / 3-Day Refresh - Day 2

Guess I got wrapped up and didn't do the last two days...so its time to catch up...thank goodness I take photos because I have a bad case of CNS!

Today, I got up, had my glass of water as I am required and then had chocolate vegan shakeology with water and a banana. It was actually good!

I think I am rehooked on my Tazo Tea. Its just delish!!!! Zen and Refresh together in one! Happy place!

Got my gift in today...to myself that is... (6) 1 lb jars of PB2! I love this stuff. I saved $60 by grouponing it! yes!

Red bell pepper and hummus...nom nom

I was really good today..I worked on my homework all day. Marc didnt get home till late and offered for me to do Yoga with him. Though I wanted to...I knew I had to get my homework done so I could enjoy the weekend. woot! And sure enough I did! The hardest week yet and I finished on Thursday! Go me! Then come to find out on the grades thus far...I'm all proficient and outstanding! woot! I am so hard on myself!

Again, had my Vanilla Refresh for lunch but instead of fruit on the side I put the other half of the banana in there.. So good! Next was green beans and hummus. Found an awesome deal on hummus so it was hummus all the way!

I think tackled Piyo Buns. I really enjoy that workout. Its hard but still exceptionally hard enough to feel it everywhere...love hate relationship. I felt great after it and burned a ton of calorie...It got a little easier this time as I used the correct shoes I can balance in cause my toes are so small...so I did great on it.

Dinner was Vanilla Fresh and some veggies (i.e. carrots, broccoli, cauliflower) with olive oil and sea salt! I will definitely use the olive oil again. I love it this way. I usually have it without and love it. This give it an extra pop.

Thats about it...more tv time with my honey and relaxation before bed time...About it. 


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