Piyo Challenge - Day 40
Woke up super early. I was freezing. But got going after some coffee. Today we had opening session and went to our groups. Practiced counseling skills in groups of three and talked about it in class. The class was only 18 people but a few were supposed to be in other classes so it's really less. Breakfast was nice and simple. Buffet or made to order omelet. I opted for simple. Eggs, turkey sausage and bacon with coffee. Lunch was good. Not sure if you saw photos. We had two breaks to where they kept trying to give us junk. We already got snacks from them. After class we had professional development with everyone. There's 3 main groups of people. One for each time people have been here. But we were all together in professional development. Went over degrees, licenses and what we will be talking about this week. Then you had the option to stay and talk about licensing research etc and talk to licensing faculty....